『Come In!』
Dad painted his house door. And Mum went out. Then, the children came his house, because of play. Dad said them "Come in!" .
Then, a lot of children came the house to play with his children, Biff and Chip.
And Mum got back the house. When she came in the house, she was very surprised! There are a lot of children, Biff and Chip's friends, and the room was so dirtied. Biff and Chip were watching TV. Mum was angry at it.
Mum gave some biscuits for children. Then They went to home. When Mum looked at outside of the house, she was surprised! A lot of dogs gathered at around the house. Maybe, Dogs wanted some biscuits.
It was so interesting story. The painted door was dirty...
First, Dad posted attention on the door, It was teared by children or dogs without notice.
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